Clinical Pharmacy Council (CPC) is an Indian autonomous Pharmacy professional organization that promotes, supports and advances the education and practice of clinical pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care Practices. CPC represents clinical pharmacists and pharmaceutical care practitioners and others who are interested in clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care practices and for the development throughout India.
Clinical Pharmacy Council - Transforming Indian Traditional Drugs Dispensing Pharmacists into Advanced Patient Centric Pharmaceutical Care Practitioners....
Pharmaceutical Care Practitioner (PCP) Registration
Become as a Pharmaceutical Care Practitioner (PCP) and practice your professional domine Pharmaceutical Care and provide your professional Pharmaceutical Care Services on individual consultation of your patients for better health care to the Nation.
Clinical Pharmacy Council (CPC) with the objective
to Support, Promote, Strengthen, and Develop the Clinical Pharmacists and
Pharmaceutical Care Practitioners through a Standard Recognition in the form
of Membership Registrations and Decolonising them throughout the country
Pharmaceutical Care Specialty Certification
Become as a Specialist in Pharmaceutical Care and provide your specialized Pharmaceutical Care services in concerned Medical Specialty for a better health care...
In India hundreds of pharmacists providing their professional services in certain health care specialties as clinical pharmacy specialists, across the world there is huge demand for Clinical Pharmacy Specialists, Some professional organization providing them professional recognition through certain Specialty Certification Programs.